Jigar Mehta’s WebBlog

June 29, 2007

Helping developers with "How Do I" information

Filed under: Uncategorized — jigarme @ 6:56 pm

Some helpful links for Video Tutorials.. [Many of my friends keep on asking Video tutorials from me.. So, here are they!!]


Sent to you by Jigar Mehta via Google Reader:


via Somasegar's WebLog by Somasegar on Jun 29, 2007

Over the past year we have experimented with a few different ways of providing information and help to our customers and the community.

Earlier this year, I blogged about some of the work we have been doing in the forums to provide online help to developers. We took another big step in this direction with what I call the “How-Do-I” videos.

These videos are short 10-15 minute videos which pick a specific scenario and show step-by-step how to do that with the given technology. About a year ago we started creating these videos for ASP.NET and ASP.NET AJAX and publishing them on www.asp.net, and the response has been very positive from the community both in terms of total downloads and individual feedback to the presenters.

So, we have expanded our focus and are now providing How-Do-I videos for many more areas. Here are links to see the videos, and we will be adding more on a regular basis, so check back often:

ASP.Net videos

ASP.Net AJAX videos

Devices videos

Expression videos

Extensibility videos

Office/VSTO videos

Silverlight videos

Visual Basic videos

VSTS videos

Windows Forms videos

WPF videos



Things you can do from here:


June 27, 2007

Windows Server Event ID: Baby #01

Filed under: Uncategorized — jigarme @ 1:53 pm

Funny isn’t it?


Sent to you by Jigar Mehta via Google Reader:


It happens, if you have a 14 month old baby around the house, a home office and the door is open:

I might have to start planning to move my home server to the cupboard…


Things you can do from here:


June 26, 2007

Why are ATM PINs 4 digits long?

Filed under: Uncategorized — jigarme @ 2:51 pm

Sent to you by Jigar Mehta via Google Reader:


Why are ATM PINs 4 digits long?

via Matasano Chargen by Dave G. on Jun 25, 2007

The answer is best summed up in this article about the ATM Machine turning 40 years old. They quote John Shepherd-Barron, the inventor of the ATM:

Mr Shepherd-Barron came up with the idea when he realised that he could remember his six-figure army number. But he decided to check that with his wife, Caroline.

“Over the kitchen table, she said she could only remember four figures, so because of her, four figures became the world standard,” he laughs.

If you had asked me how they had come up with the length requirements, I would have thought that somewhere, someone might have tried to run some basic statistics, figure out acceptable losses based on likelihood of a PIN number getting guessed. Then try and balance that user requirements.

Nope. That wasn’t (isn’t?) how decisions and standards are made. And even today, MOST PINs are four digits in length. Policies are well documented inside of the enterprise. One thing that usually doesn’t get well preserved is why those policy decisions were made.

The other choice quote from this article:

“Money costs money to transport. I am therefore predicting the demise of cash within three to five years.”

While I can appreciate anyone who tries to predict the future, we should remember there is a reason why we say most of them are insane. I can see a future without cash, but even if we all said right now that it is time to move away from cash, it would take more than five years to execute on that.

Finally, Mr Shepherd-Barron, is working on a new invention. One to scare salmon-stealing seals away from his salmon farm:

“I invented a device to scare them off by playing the sound of killer whales, but it’s ended up only attracting them more.”

It’s clearly an uphill battle to top the invention of the ATM.


Things you can do from here:


June 25, 2007

Watched.. 300

Filed under: Uncategorized — jigarme @ 6:08 am

Yesterday, I watched 300. The best film I ever saw in terms of Visual Effects (I can compare it to talent of those animation movies makers!!) Though, almost all the characters are real, they have mixed visual effects (computer graphics) at many places and that gives cool touch to the movie. Now, I can imagine why this movie might have got 4 nominations for award and won 2 awards. I heard that almost 10 companies all over the world contributed to visual effects of this movie.. Its really worth watching.. “Prepare for the glory!!”

Read more at,

My Rating : 8 / 10;

Stay tuned.. Wave

June 23, 2007

Watched.. Deja Vu

Filed under: Uncategorized — jigarme @ 11:04 pm

Just watched “Deja Vu”.. Would say awesome movie.. had some physics fundamentals (which I did not understand at all!! Happy) But felt like, it was a good movie..

Read more at,

My Rating : 7 / 10;

Stay tuned.. Wave

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